This week is Teacher Appreciation Week!!
9 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Monday, May 13th Grades 3 to 5 will be attending a field trip to the Birmingham Museum of Art!
10 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Disney Monday, May 13th Grades 3-5 will be attending a field trip to the Birmingham Museum of Art. Be on the lookout for permission slips coming home soon. The trip is free of cost due to a grant we received.
10 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Field Day shirt order forms will be coming home on Monday with all the information. Be on the lookout for them! Field Day is May 20th! Deadline to order a shirt is May 1st!
10 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
field day
ATTENTION FIFTH GRADE PARENTS: THIS LETTER WAS SENT HOME A FEW WEEKS AGO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET YOUR CHILD VACCINATED, PLEASE LET NURSE MICHELLE KNOW ASAP! PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW. Dear Parents, Health Hero will be offering our fifth grade students the TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) vaccine here at school on April 26th. They will also be offering the Meningococcal (MCV) and HPV vaccines as well. The TDAP vaccine is REQUIRED. Your child MUST have an updated blue card showing proof of the vaccination upon returning to school in August. The other vaccines are optional. The vaccines are offered at no cost to you, but if your child has health insurance the current health care law requires Health Hero to bill their insurance company. If you would like for your child to receive the vaccine or vaccines, please initial beside the bar code which vaccines you would like for your child to receive at the TOP OF THE FORM. Please complete all THREE sections of the form….INCLUDING INSURANCE INFORMATION. Please sign, date, and return the form to the school nurse by MARCH 12th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 233-6674. Thank you, Michelle Owen, LPN School Nurse
10 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Thank you to James Spann for visiting Piney Chapel today!!!
10 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
21st Century Summer Program See flyer
10 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
James Spann is coming to Piney Chapel!!!! We are so excited!! Wear bows and ties to show our appreciation!!
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Eclipse Day 2024!
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Happy Assistant Principal's Week to Mrs. Sueann Hobbs!!! She's a ROCK STAR!
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Piney Chapel Elementary is thrilled to participate in OMI's 2024 Spring Mathematics Challenge. Challenge Details: With family members, students will take pictures of math they encounter daily, upload pictures to the challenge Padlet using the QR code provided on the flyer, and explain how they see math in the picture they have taken. If you need assistance posting on the padlet, comment your picture here and Mrs. Holland will upload it. The challenge is open for submissions through April 19, 2024. Posts will be randomly selected for sharing on OMI's social media. The school with the most participation will be awarded a banner acknowledging their achievement.
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Please see the ACAP schedule.
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Please join us for the final farewell event PINEY PANTHER WAY ONE MORE DAY on Sunday, May 19, 2024 2:00 to 4:00 PM.
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Final Field Day shirts will go on sale after spring break! Order forms will be coming home in April.
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Piney Chapel Elementary Final Field Day is going to be FABULOUS!! Monday, May 20th!! More information to come!
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
field day
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Everyone is invited to EES PTO Meeting! Please see the flyer.
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
We are "Snow" Excited About Learning Parent Night! Thursday, March 14th 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Bingo and Math Games. Hope to see you there!!!
11 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Piney Chapel Elementary
We are "Snow" Excited About Learning! Please join us for Reading and Math Games. We will have BINGO and other games for reading and math. Thursday, March 14th at 6:00 PM. Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary
Piney Chapel Elementary
Read Across America Week!
12 months ago, Piney Chapel Elementary